Monday, July 21, 2014

Bridger - 3 Weeks Old

Hey Handsome Man!
I have just one thing to say to you today -  stop growing!  You are 3 weeks old today and I have decided that you are getting far too big far too quickly!
I love seeing your little face change and your personality develop but I'm sad that it's happening soooo fast! 
I can't believe that we were in the hospital 3 weeks ago!!! It feels as if my pregnancy was so long ago - my stomach is flat now and it's so hard to believe that just 21 days ago you were my watermelon!!! You were all home sweet home curled up inside me! 
How did you ever fit in there!? You are so big, but momma is still savoring every minute of your newbornness.
One specific thing I've come to love is your babys breath - you smell so good - I just want to hold you near and breathe you alllllll in.
You are a little baby heater - I love napping with you but we both always wake up a bit sweaty.  
You are just the easiest thing to love on - so simply sweet, so perfectly cuddly.
Your dad has said it every day this week - you are Just. So. Cuddly. He holds you and just loves on you - his face says it all, you are his world little man.
Anyone who is blessed enough to hold you doesn't want to give you up!!! 
You have been making some adorable baby grunts and snorts - especially when you eat :) 
You also have been practicing some new faces - sooo fun and cute :) of course I never have the camera at hand, but you move those sweet lips in all sorts of crazy ways. And you have mastered your eyebrow raise - even mid sleep you can make us giggle at your cuteness. 
We have lovingly nicknamed you "turkey" and "goober" as you are just too silly at times. 
Momma also calls you "mister man" and dad makes fun of me for it. 
This week you went to your first rodeo - you slept and ate through it but I think you enjoyed yourself as just the next day you were holding up your arm as if you were a roughstock rider :)
You also went to your first BBQ and gave some adoring fans some good cuddles.
You and I also ventured out on our own to run an errand or two and we did great! It was hard to listen to you cry in your car seat and not be right next to you to hold your little hand and soothe you - but you are getting brave and even slept on the way home.  
We went on a family walk with the dog pack - your friend May kept checking in to make sure you were ok and to try to give you kisses.  We are so excited for you to play with her soon :) 
Bridger - you are the best little boy - your momma and dad love you soooo much. God is surely an awesome god to have blessed us with such an incredible babe. We thank him every chance we can and we look forward to teaching you all about his love and grace. 
3 weeks old... My big boy!
We love you more than we could ever say. 
Hugs and kisses baby boy.... LOTS of kisses.
-  Momma

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